Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bachelorette Post-Mortem: Week 2

Uggh. Usually this show doesn’t become so taxing right out the gate, but geez! This episode only added more fuel to the fire that burns for how much I am not a fan of Ashley or her being the Bachelorette.


Nobody - One of my top picks, Ryan P. (Solar Panel), didn’t even get a date. Boo!

If I have to pick someone, I could pick Mickey. He did win the coin toss that put him on the 1-on-1 date with Ashley in Vegas. Then, proceeded to win most of the lame coin tosses they decided to use to propel the direction of their date. Lame. Did I already say that?


Ashley - At the conclusion of this episode, I can’t help but for feel just a tad sorry for her. They have made her out to be a first class fool. She’s really, or so we’re lead to believe, for this Bentley character and I’m sure she probably did. We’ve all fallen for that kind of guy. I know I have, but I haven’t done it in front of millions of people across the globe. I really hope that it is editing that they done to make us think it. Otherwise, I hope she has a round the clock suicide-watch after seeing the show each Monday.

Now before you go thinking I’ve gone soft on her, hold it right there. This is completely self-inflicted and she’s being paid for it. I just hope for her sake, she’s getting a little bit more money than the others.

William - This guy. He’s chosen to accompany Ashley on the first 1-on-1 date of the season which will take place in Las Vegas. He dodged a wedding bullet, by taking part in a mock Vegas-style wedding. Horrible date, but he’s eating it up like it was filet mignon. He received a rose on the date, but then gloated at the cocktail party prior to the rose ceremony. Hey Willy, God don’t like ugly and no one likes a gloater.  He's super cute, but beginning to be a tool.

Las Vegas - Vegas looks less appealing. Good job, Bachelorette producers.

Line of the Night

First Place:  “I’d rather swim in pee than plan a wedding with her.” – Bentley  
You would.

Honorable Mention: “Tickle my pickle.” – Bentley
Hey Bent, what are you? In the 5th grade? Get a clue.

Bachelor Game Standings

33 – Allison: She correctly guessed Bentley for the Group Date Rose. Ugggh!
25 – Kevin
25 – Vicki
24 – Alex: Now, officially in the game.

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I'm still in this game after totally falling asleep out the gate this week. I guess I've watched enough of these to know what's basically going to happen!

