Tuesday, April 26, 2011

25 Things about Me: #9

9. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies and hope to collect all of them on DVD. I’m very close.

I can thank Mother for this one. She is the one that first exposed me to Hitchcock. It was probably an unlikely choice for family movie night, but we charged on. She would get the Soft Batch cookies, some milk, and we all would gather to watch.

The first Hitchcock movie I saw was Psycho. At time I couldn’t be more than 10, and needless to say, it took a little while before I took a shower by myself.

Looking back, and after seeing this movie a bunch of times, there are really only 3 “scary scenes” in the whole movie: the shower scene, the staircase scene with Mr. Abrogast, and the scene in the fruit cellar. The rest of the movie is suspenseful, which is done best by Hitchcock. Sorry, if I’ve spoiled the movie for you.

Last year, I took my friends, Becky and Tracy, to see Psycho at the Tampa Theatre.  I was excited to see the movie in a theatre, much like you would when it first was released. They did not share in my excitement. I reassured them that is wasn’t scary and that I would warn them when the true scary scenes were coming. It did little to ease their worries and at the end of the movie, I was still the only fan.

Some of my other favorites from Hitchcock are Rebecca, Vertigo, and all the Grace Kelly movies:  Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, and To Catch a Thief. My least favorite, because they all can’t be winners, is The Birds. I take issue with the non-ending of it all.

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