Friday, April 22, 2011

The Great V-Neck T-shirt Debate Continues…

After my An Insidious Epidemic: V-neck T-shirts post hit the World Wide Web, it flared up quite a debate.

I guess that V-neck party I was so worried about happening will now be known as Easter at MorningStar Church. I didn’t think that one through. I should have waited a couple of days/weeks. Now the resurrection of my Savior will be marred by the vision of V-necks.
David tried to post this as a comment to that blog post.

It’s really hard to read so here’s the convo:
David: It wouldn't let me post it properly so I figured this was the next best thing.
Vicki: Of course, it wouldn't. V-necks and comments containing V-necks are unacceptable. If you had drawn a crewneck t-shirt that said Vicki is right, it would have posted. PS: That is fan-freakin'-tastic!
The V-neck t-shirt says David is so boss! But, guess what? FAIL.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you were able to read it just fine...
