Saturday, April 30, 2011

They Can’t All Be Winners - 25 Things about Me: #13, #16, #19, #22, and #24

When you think about coming up with 25 things that people may or may not know about you, the task can be daunting. After about 10 or 11, in my case 13, you start grasping at straws. Here are the honorable mentions:

13. I cannot, for the life of me, wrap my brain around taxes, buying a house or buying a car.

Yes, that is a lot of advanced mathematics and abstract thinking. My brain wasn’t configured for that. It is for that reason, I will, until further notice, e-file my taxes, rent living quarters and drive the Little Red Wonder until her wheels or some other part falls off. Knock on wood and God forbid.

16. I prefer that my PJs match my bedding.

This doesn’t happen as often as it used to and thinking further on it, it was dumb to even say that out loud.

19. If I have any free time, I’m usually sleeping.

Word. I’ve perfected the art of the cat nap. An art passed down from my Papa to my Mother and from her on to me. If sleeping were a sport, I’d be an All American. However, writing a blog is coming in a close second.

22. I don’t like to go out on Friday night.

Lame, but it’s true. Although if something fantastic is happening, I wouldn’t shake my fist at it.

24. I had a canopy bed when I was little and I thought pirates lived on the top.

Turns out it wasn’t pirates, but a shadow made from my Bozo the Clown nightlight.  I don’t know which was scarier, the pirates or the Bozo the Clown nightlight.

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