Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A New Homeopathic Advil?!?

Today, I received from Madison an interesting link to an article entitled #@*! Swearing really is a powerful painkiller. The article states that in times of pain, you can feel better by letting the a few colorful words fly. Let me first say that I do not advocate cursing/swearing. Do I swear? Yes, on occasion, but not near as often as I used to. I came under conviction when a man swore in front of me and then apologized. In response to his apology, I replied, “No need to apologize. I’ve heard worse and better yet, I probably said worse.” I knew then it was time for a swearing intervention.

My worse place for swearing is in the car. People have such a hard time obeying the rules of the road and showing common courtesy. I’ve taken to replacing salty language with yelling at the top of my lungs, “NOT NICE!!!” The yelling is often accompanied by a point at the perpetrator and then a fist shake. It doesn’t have the effect that I wish it had, although the fist shake is off-putting. Sometimes I can’t take my hands of the wheel, so I tend to shake my head or just do the obvious side-way “Really?!?!” look.

My favorite line from the article is “Interestingly, women reported feeling less pain after swearing a blue streak.” Agreed.

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