Tuesday, May 3, 2011

25 Things about Me: #14

14. My thoughts and words are rarely censored.

That isn’t necessarily true. I do think about what I’m going to say and judge how what I might say could be received, but most of the time, I say it anyway. Nine times out of ten, what I say is exactly what everyone else it thinking. They just don’t have the where with all to say it. So, which is worse, thinking it and not saying it or just saying it? For me, it’s definitely thinking and not saying.

Thinking and not saying leads to the obvious question: If I stand silent,

- how will someone know that they have something on their face or in their teeth?

- how will a random lady know her dress or worse, toilet paper is tucked into their underwear?

- how are people supposed to know that their outfit is ill-advised?

how is someone supposed to know that the sound of their voice makes people’s skin crawl and they should think about being silent when around others?

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